Amazon, eBay and Etsy integration

List your products on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy
Expand your products with multi sale channels! Amazon, eBay, and Etsy are today's top marketplaces with wide selections and price comparison capabilities, so let us help you get online and don't get left behind
It's important to create product listings on different platforms and marketplaces that meet your user's needs as multichannel software.
Multiple channels should be supported by your eCommerce software and the most common marketplaces are eBay, Amazon, Etsy and others. They can use multiple marketing channels to increase their sales and should be able to access data quickly. We have to the tools to integrate one system to upload all listing and orders on one platform.

Create Listings on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy?
You'll quickly create listings on Amazon, eBay, and Etsy using data from e-stores. Integration is required. Third parties can handle integration. It saves time and effort by connecting to multiple marketplaces.
- With JB-Digitals you can easily create listings. Our integration solution allows you to connect your software on multiple platforms and integrate all of the information including images, descriptions, variants, categories, and more.
- Products optimised for all sale channels and will deliver an increased margin on yoru existing sales
- We will help you setup your shop stores and FBA with Amazon
Start selling on all Integrate Sale Channels.
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